How to start the node FAQ

Question1 : /config/wallet_keystore file does not exist. Please save the keystore file in this file.

Answer1:  The/config/wallet_keystore file under the running program was not found. 
          You need to rename yourself to the keystore file or the newly generated 
          keystore file to wallet_keystore

Question2 : This compute node is not configured in the dashboard.

Answer2:  The calculation node keystore file corresponds to the wallet address, 
          and needs to be bound to the revenue address in the dashborad.
          It can only be started after the binding is completed

Question3: usb sn is not found

Answer3:    Please check whether the usb is plugged in or 
whether the usb serial number started is filled in correctly

Question4: ./calc calc -- usb_sn XXXX command, if the following error is reported:./calc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Answer4:  please execute  source

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