Processor: A processor with 6 cores, x86 architecture.
2. Install Docker
If Docker is already installed, you can skip this step. Alternatively, you can ask ChatGPT for help with Docker installation. The following steps are for reference.
You will see output similar to the following: Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df350. This indicates that the installation was successful.
Start and enable Docker service
3. Pull docker mirroring
First pull the docker image using the following command:
4. Node program configuration
Run the node program as the root user:
Use the following command to switch to the root user. Enter the password for your current system account. Upon a successful switch, the terminal will display the root user identifier.
Create the program running directory and navigate to it:
Get the keystore file
Use an existing wallet keystore file or execute the following command to generate a new one:
Note: The program will prompt you to enter a password, please remember this password for future use. The generated keystore file will have a corresponding node address, please save this address, it will be used in the dashboard configuration
Enter password for a new key: # Enter wallet password
Enter password again to verify: # Re-enter the password for confirmation
After successful creation of the wallet, the program will display information similar to the following:
node address: 0xf07c3eF23ae7BEb8CD8bA5fF546E35Fd4b332B34
# This is the node address you generated, used for linking in the dashboard
node filename: keystore:///app/config/UTC--2025-01-06T06-11-07.485797065Z--f07c3ef23ae7beb8cd8ba5ff546e35fd4b332b34
Instructions: 0xf07c3eF23ae7BEb8CD8bA5fF546E35Fd4b332B34 is an example and may differ in your case.
Rename the keystore file in the/privasea/config folder to wallet_keystore:
#Check if there is a keystore file in the /privasea/config directory:cd/privasea/config&&ls#Rename the keystore file you noted in the previous step:mv./UTC--2025-01-06T06-11-07.485797065Z--f07c3ef23ae7beb8cd8ba5ff546e35fd4b332b34./wallet_keystore# Replace UTC--2025-01-06T06-11-07.485797065Z--f07c3ef23ae7beb8cd8ba5ff546e35fd4b332b34 with the name of the keystore file you found.#Check that the wallet_keystore file in the /privasea/config folder was modified correctly:ls
5. Link node address and reward address
Use the wallet address corresponding to the keystore file to link it with the reward address on DeepSea dashboard.
6. Start the node
Run the command to start the Privanetix(acceleration) node:
# Switch to the program running directorycd/privasea/# Run the compute node command:dockerrun-d-v"/privasea/config:/app/config" \-eKEYSTORE_PASSWORD=123456 \privasea/acceleration-node-beta:latest# Parameter Explanation:# EYSTORE_PASSWORD: The password corresponding to the keystore file# /privasea/config: The local directory where the wallet_keystore file is stored
7. View the node health
# Command to check the node's running status:dockerlogs-feb723c38e3e6283f6c9d50512828408bd6df2fbba22d1991daa459778d3e73bc#Parameter Explanation:# eb723c38e3e6283f6c9d50512828408bd6df2fbba22d1991daa459778d3e73bc is the container ID from the previous operation.
Startup successful, as shown in the figure below.
If unsuccessful, please check the following:
8. Stop the node
# Command to stop the node:dockerps-q--filter"ancestor=privasea/acceleration-node-beta:latest"|xargs--no-run-if-emptydockerstop# Run the command below; if there is no output, it indicates that the node has been stopped.dockerps|grepprivasea/acceleration-node-beta:latest